mesa totem 320 roble
esc totem 400 correc esc totem 540 correc mesa totem 320 roble detalle lateral wengue mesa totem 320 roble detalle perfil wengue mesa totem 320 roble2 nk videoconferencias vista principal.effectsResult

Tabletops: Wood veneer/Lacquered/Laminate

Table Profiles: Choice of 5 - 19/25/30mm (flat,rounded or chamfered edge detail)

Base: 0.6mm natural wood veneer on 22mm high-density MDF base.

Power/Data: Under desk cable channels and desktop power/data units available

Shapes: Rounded Rectangular/Rectangular/Oval and Trapezoid

Size: 6 - 20 person



mesa totem 320 roble
esc totem 400 correc esc totem 540 correc mesa totem 320 roble detalle lateral wengue mesa totem 320 roble detalle perfil wengue mesa totem 320 roble2 nk videoconferencias vista principal.effectsResult

Tabletops: Wood veneer/Lacquered/Laminate

Table Profiles: Choice of 5 - 19/25/30mm (flat,rounded or chamfered edge detail)

Base: 0.6mm natural wood veneer on 22mm high-density MDF base.

Power/Data: Under desk cable channels and desktop power/data units available

Shapes: Rounded Rectangular/Rectangular/Oval and Trapezoid

Size: 6 - 20 person



Totem Meeting Table

Price starting from £4299  

A new meeting/boardroom table range designed by BK Contract of Spain.

The Totem table is designed for both collaborative working and meetings, whether small and private, or larger, between a group of professionals.

Totem tables come in a wide range of materials and options to create a flexible working environments.

When the size of the table requires three or more bases, beams in natural wood in the finish chosen for the table top or bases will be used.

The Totem table is designed to make the power module of the table bases accessible from the floor socket.

There is also a base with a door to enable full access for inspection and handling purposes.


BK Contract